Friday, March 18, 2011

Excited about this years celebration of Spring!!

Firming up plans for my Equinox celebrations. One big huge salad for everyone for dinner, eggs for painting and then to bury, Trying to decide if I want to make a cake or bread. Also I have some pretty flower fabric to use for an alter cloth. Some candles and we can't forget flowers!

This time around I am not going to be going it alone. I am excited to have a friend and fellow follower to join in my ritual. I have starting cleaning today because the next few days are going to be busy. I can't wait. Spring is coming!! - Bright Blessings

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to join the festivities! we have daffodils in the yard but I think they kinda died from the last cold spell we had. But if there are new ones by monday I'll bring some!
